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Richard Welsh Library 2.0: Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

Library Instruction can include an introduction to library collections and resources, research skill building, information literacy, proper use of citations, and subject specific guidance on request. 

 Schedule a Library Instruction session:


Library Services

The library is eager to collaborate with instructors. We offer:

  • research assistance
  • resource and assignment planning
  • reserve collections
  • online resource guide creation
  • class orientations
  • in-class instruction
  • APA citation help


Want to Publish?

If you are thinking about publishing in an academic journal, check out

Yale University's guide to choosing a journal for publication.


Need Images?

Scholars Resource offers high quality digital images for educational institutions. NewSchool faculty and students can set up an account and log in to access over 25,000 high quality images.

Faculty Services

Considerations for Library Instruction

  • Schedule at least two weeks prior to the class period.

  • If you are engaged your students are more likely to join the discussion. We ask that you be present during the session, take part in discussion, and assist in exercises. 

  • If possible we would love to see samples of student work after the sessions have occurred to help us determine what their needs are and how we can best assist them and you. 


Types of Instruction:


Class Visit: Library Staff can visit your classroom to introduce students to library resources and offer instruction. Sessions can be anything from 15 minutes to 2 hours and are a great way to support students at the beginning of term or prior to a research paper assignment. Example instruction topics include:

  • finding and using images effectively and ethically
  • overview of library resources
  • library databases
  • the research process and tips for thesis
  • evaluating resource reliability
  • using Wikipedia for research
  • plagiarism and APA citation

Any combination of these can be designed to address a specific class project. 

Orientation: Orientation is a broad introduction to Library resources and is offered to all new students. Class-specific orientation is also available by appointment. 

Library Tours: Library tours may be requested by individual instructors and are helpful for classes focusing on specific topics or collections. 

Desk Copies

Desk Copies

The library does not obtain desk copies of textbooks for faculty use. Please contact publishers directly to place desk copy requests. Typically there is a page on all publisher websites for this purpose. Alternatively, the Academic Services Office at NewSchool can assist you. Please note that desk copies may take anything from 2 weeks to 2 months to arrive. Plan accordingly, and if the text has not arrived consider contacting your Chair or Dean to request the purchase of a copy through Amazon Prime. 

RICHARD WELSH LIBRARY at NewSchool of Architecture + Design

1249 F Street San Diego CA 92101

619 684 8783