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Patent Research

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Patent Research Guide

BikeShare Bike Patent

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Search for Patents

Patent Pro Tips

Patent Pro Tips

Do a Title Search

TTL/(***) in USPTO and TI=(***) in Google allow you to search the titles of patents. 

See Google search tips

See USPTO search tips


Questions to consider when searching for a patent:

  • What does the invention do?

  • What is the end result?

  • What is it made of?

  • How is it used?


When inventing or innovating you should...

  1. Try to solve a problem and explain in detail how the proposed invention will solve the various problematic issues.  

  2. Ensure that the proposed invention is healthy for humans, animals, and the natural environment. 

  3. Draw the proposed invention and write down all the proposed invention's unique functions, features, and parts to ensure as many original features as possible before conducting a prior art review.

  4. Be able to explain the steps of use of the proposed invention with a diagram, which will provide a visualization of the written, detailed explanation of the logic of use.

  5. Be able to explain all functions, features, and parts of the proposed invention with logic, eliminating "leaps of faith and magic".

Patent Resources

Patent Resources

RICHARD WELSH LIBRARY at NewSchool of Architecture + Design

1249 F Street San Diego CA 92101

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